If anyone understands just how difficult it can be to raise a child these days, it’s us! Having years of experience sometimes isn’t enough when it comes to knowing how to handle the situations we face as caretakers. Fortunately we have some great guides to help us in the process. On this page will find resources that may help you in your quest.
We believe that your child’s diet is extremely important. Getting the right nutrition at this age is crucial, as it allows for proper growth and development. Each meal we serve is prepared by hand by loving caretakers who understand the nutritional needs of your child.
The Schedule
Children express their own intentions, follow through their ideas, interact with people and materials, solve problems as they arise, and reflect on and review work-time activities with others.
Snack Time
Children and adults share nutritious foods and meaningful conversations.
Large Group Time
Children and adults build a sense of community and try out new ideas by participating in singing, movement activities, storytelling, and re-enactments of important events.
Small Group Time
Adults introduce a common activity with related materials. Children use the materials in ways that are meaningful to them while adults observe, join in, and support children in their discoveries.
Outside Time
Children engage in vigorous, noisy, physical play as well as quiet reflection. Adults and children both participate in exploring the natural surroundings of an outdoor space, making observations, conversing about those observations, and playing new games.
Looking for a great place to work? Consider joining our team at RYLM! Give us a call!
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